
The Worry Tree




It started back when I was in an abusive relationship and I was desperate for a way to feel safe. I remember being so scared of all the bad things that could happen to me or my kids. I had no escape and no place to hide. So like stepping into Narnia, I imagined the Father as this big comforting tree, in the kind of peaceful setting where I would see Christopher Robin and Winnie the Pooh. 


I would go there when I was afraid and I would imagine that I was curled up like a child under the protection of that tree. I would imagine that God would keep us safe there and that we were in the refuge of the Almighty God. Well, lately many of those past haunting fears had returned to me and for the first time in years, I used my faith to go back to that special tree. 


It all started last week when I was overwhelmed with worries. I had no way to fix anything and I was desperate for God to help me. By faith and imagination, I took each worry and I hung it on that tree for God to take over. The next rule was after I hung those worries up for God, I was not allowed to think about them again (that is harder than it sounds! LOL). 


I realized that one by one, each of those worries were taken care of. By the end of the week, the worry tree was empty and I started to refill it again. It takes faith to let go and trust God to handle those things that matter to us. 


Then again last night the heat was turned up and I was terrified again of a person of the past. I needed My Daddy God and nothing else could comfort me. So I went again by faith and I imagined my big tree of comfort. This time, instead of curling up under the tree, I imagined that I took me and my children inside that tree. Then I asked God to hide us and protect us. 


There is something so soothing to the soul and very powerful when we are able to use faith and imagination as an outlet to cast our anxieties onto the Lord. There were times before when I was so desperate for God’s love to save us, that I would imagine wrapping myself up in the garments of Jesus. I would then twirl myself into Him, where He hid me close to His side. When I did those imagination exercises, I realized that nothing that I feared was ever allowed to happen. 


My good news is that although every hotel in my city has shut down, the one that the Lord has given us refuge in has decided to remain open. Now I am only trusting God to provide for us during the chaos. He has held us up for 3 years now, I don’t believe that He would let us slip now. 


He has been preparing me to write something about using positive thoughts to overcome the negative circumstances. However before I can attempt to fast on positive thoughts, I need to be able to release the negatives to God to take care of. 


That is why I am sharing my worry tree today. Before we can soar into miracles, we need to let go of every negative thing that weighs us down. I pray today that you are instantly relieved of anything that is trying to keep you down. May the protecting love of God wrap around you and your family securely. May every worry and fear be lifted off of your shoulders and placed on the worry tree for God to take over. Peace, grace, and love to you all!  








Dannette Lynn



To send a blessing: 







Pour out all your worries and stress upon Him and leave them there, for he always tenderly cares for you.1 Peter 5:7 TPT