Love Letters

Don’t Give Up, I Have a Plan



A love letter from the Father 




Why are you so sad and distressed in your soul? Don’t you know that I love you more than any other could? From feeling nearly defeated, you will be rescued from these afflictions and taken up to a higher ground. I am putting you back on your feet again and rekindling the weariness with fresh hope. My faithful love lasts forever. 



It was I who supported you from the day that you were born, loving you and helping you along. I have made miracles for you, time and time again. There were difficult paths that you traveled that prepared you for all that was ahead. I drew you close in the wilderness as you learned to love My heart and not only My hand. 



Wipe away the tears falling from your eyes and don’t worry about this anymore. I will fulfill the petition you have made. Don’t give up, I have a plan. Although you have been sunken down with troubles, I will revive you again.  I will support you and care for your little ones and prosper you from the hardship. 



Reflect back to all of the times when I was with you and brought you out of the anguish. Lift your heart back up with thoughts of hope and confident expectations. Now your strength will expand and grow strong in My presence as your enemies are mocked by the supernatural help of My deliverance.



Even though you have been taunted and criticized day and night, many will marvel at your success when they see what I do. I will give you even more greatness than before and comfort you from every angle. I know and I see the actions of injustice. The bows of the mighty will crack in two, but the feeble will receive new strength. 



Have hope and be confident as I protectively care for you. Celebrate and pause in My presence. I will give you every desire of your heart and cause all of your plans to increase and flourish. You will enjoy and experience the manifestation of your hopes out of the excellence and greatness of My kindness and power.  






Written by Dannette Lynn



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